Michele Ferrante Controne Cicerchia Beans
Michele Ferrante Controne Cicerchia Beans
Along with great olive oil, we like to find excellent quality foods, paired to olive oil, in the heritage of traditional Italian foods.
In the Cilento area of the region of Campania, there is a town named Controne. In that small town, Michele Ferrante grows these heirloom beans and very special agricultural products, recognized by Terra Madre.
Cicerchia (Lathyrus satifus) is an autochthonous (indigenous) legume variety, recovered by old farmers. It is an early variety with a very small and wrinkled seed, born from an herbaceous plant. The growing conditions are similar to chick peas. The origin is ancient, from the Middle East, and known the early Greeks and Latins.
Cicerchia are excellent for soups, when used alone or combined with other beans. These legumes are full of healthy benefits!
Long soaking and slow cooking are recommended to keep the skin intact. Gently boil and dress with garlic peppers and parsley. Cooking time will be 1.5 to 2 hours after long (overnight) soaking.
May we recommend an olive oil from the region? Choose a selection from Campania.
Vacuum sealed, 10 oz., 300 gr.
Ingredients: Controne Cicerchia